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Principal's Corner

Mrs. Bueker

Welcome back to another exciting ACHS school year. I am privileged to extend a warm welcome to those who are new to our Tribe family as a student or as a member of our staff.  

As we embark on this new academic year together, I am filled with enthusiasm and optimism for what's ahead, reflecting on the values that shape the Altamont Community School District and set the tone for a successful year ahead.


Regular attendance is fundamental to your academic success and personal development. Each day presents valuable learning opportunities, and your consistent presence ensures that you make the most of them. Remember, your commitment to attendance reflects your commitment to your own growth and achievement.


Your attitude is a powerful force that shapes your experiences and interactions. Approach each day with positivity, resilience, and a readiness to learn. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and maintain a mindset of perseverance and determination in the face of obstacles.


Taking ownership of your actions and responsibilities is key to fostering a culture of accountability. Hold yourself to high standards of integrity, honesty, and reliability. Recognize that your choices have consequences, and strive to make decisions that reflect your values and principles.


Our school is a diverse and inclusive community, enriched by the unique perspectives and experiences of each individual. Embrace diversity, show respect for others, and cultivate empathy and understanding. By celebrating our differences and fostering a culture of acceptance, we create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and included.


Your appearance is a reflection of your self-respect and professionalism. Dress appropriately for school, adhering to the guidelines outlined in our dress code policy. Present yourself with confidence and pride, recognizing the importance of personal grooming and hygiene in making a positive impression.


Take time to express gratitude for the opportunities, support, and resources available to you. Show appreciation for your parents, teachers, and peers who contribute to your learning and growth. Have an attitude of gratitude, recognizing the value of every experience and relationship in shaping your journey.


Set ambitious goals for yourself and work diligently to achieve them. Whether academic, extracurricular, or personal, strive for excellence in everything you do. Maintain a growth mindset, continuously seeking opportunities for improvement and innovation. Your ambition is the driving force behind your success, propelling you towards a future filled with limitless possibilities.

Together, let us uphold these values and principles, guiding us towards a year of growth, achievement, and fulfillment. I am confident that if we all Bring our “A” Game, we will make 2024-2025 special.

-Peggy Bueker, ACHS Principal